Rooted in Passion, Dedicated to Quality

Dream Sprouts -- In 2008, PHF was quietly born with the love of sleep and the pursuit of quality. At that time, we were just a small store selling blankets, but with a big dream: to let everyone have a comfortable and safe sleeping experience.

Grow Along -- We know that quality sleep is an important cornerstone of people's healthy life. With this conviction, we keep working hard, from the initial blanket, gradually expanding to bedding, bath products, home apparel and other areas, the product line is increasingly rich, just to bring you a more comfortable, healthy and safe sleep experience.

Choose a Better Sleep

Crafted with Care, Achieving Excellence
We always insist on providing consumers with high-quality materials, exquisite craftsmanship and reasonable prices. From the selection of raw materials to the production of products, we strive for excellence, just to bring you a comfortable, healthy and safe sleep experience.

Diverse Styles, Meeting Your Needs
We understand that everyone's pursuit of sleep is different. That's why PHF offers a wide selection of bedding styles in a variety of colors, so there's always something to suit your preferences.

Beyond Comfort, Embracing Eco-Friendly
PHF always adheres to the concept of sustainable development and actively adopts environmentally friendly materials and production processes to minimize our impact on the environment. We have also launched a range of sustainable bedding products that allow you to enjoy a comfortable night's sleep while contributing to the protection of the planet.

We believe that everyone deserves to sleep well, and we are committed to making that happen. We are confident that you will love our products and our commitment to quality, affordability, and sustainability.

Affordable Luxury

Bring you a cozy and comfortable home life


Fast forward a few years…

Every item we produce undergoes rigorous testing to ensure that it can withstand the wear and tear of modern life and provide years of enjoyment. We understand that our customers want home goods that are not only comfortable but also durable. That's why we take pride in our products and stand behind their quality.

Not all fabrics are created equal, and not all companies operate the same way. At PHF, we produce home goods that are radically soft, durable, and easy to care for. We believe that a cozy and inviting home is an essential part of a happy life, and we're honored to be a part of your home and your family's story.