How to Wash a Crochet Blanket:Tips for Keeping Your Handmade Beauty Fresh

How to Wash a Crochet Blanket:Tips for Keeping Your Handmade Beauty Fresh - phfmart


Taking care of your crochet blanket is essential to ensure it retains its beauty and warmth. In this blog post, we'll provide you with valuable tips and guidelines on how to properly wash and maintain your cherished crochet creations.


As avid crocheters ourselves, we know the love and care that goes into handcrafting a cozy blanket. Hours of yarn and hook work are transformed into a one-of-a-kind piece of functional art for your home. It's only natural to want to preserve these handmade treasures for as long as possible.


The good news is that with some gentle cleaning habits, your crochet blankets can be enjoyed season after season. Like any cherished handmade item though, they do require more tender loving care compared to store-bought blankets.




What you need (preparation):




Wash basin

Mild laundry detergent

Washing machine



Heavy plastic or vinyl tablecloths (optional)


Table of contents:

  1. Check the yarn type
  2. What if you don’t know what kind of yarn you are using?
  3. Hand wash crochet blankets and clothes
  4. How to machine wash a crocheted blanket
  5. How to avoid damage to blankets

6.Storage and maintenance


Check the yarn type :

The first step in cleaning your crochet blanket is to determine the type of yarn used. Different yarns require different care. Read the label or ask the manufacturer to determine whether it is acrylic, cotton, wool, or a blend. Each yarn type has specific washing instructions.


Before laundering your crochet blanket, it's crucial to determine the yarn's composition. Many yarns provide care instructions on their labels.

If you are aware of the yarn type, check for the machine wash symbol on the label. In case you don't have the label available but know the fiber type, you can refer to the following guidelines:


Wool – be careful. This depends on the type of wool used (Merino, etc.), but wool blankets should not be machine washed, or soaked and soaked. This can easily cause the wool fibers to swell, bringing the fibers into closer contact; secondly, the water will soften the scales, making them more likely to intertwine. Your best option is spot cleaning.


Cotton – Use the delicate setting and you should be fine.


Acrylic – Acrylic yarn can withstand the most extreme cleaning and still perform well. Regular machine washing will do the trick here.


Blended – It’s impossible to give clear instructions on how to clean a blanket made of blended fibers because there are so many combinations. However, I usually use two rules of thumb in this situation:


.Safe to throw in the washing machine if at least 75% cotton or acrylic

.Choose between the fibers in the blend using the gentlest washing method recommended. It is recommended to use hand washing method




What if you dont know what kind of yarn youre using?

If you have questions about the type of yarn used in your blanket, you only need to follow one rule:

hand wash blanket


Simply throwing it in the washing machine without taking caution is a risk not worth it.




water temperature


Drying type

Recommend air drying

Special Note




Cleaning time

Clean after 3-4 months, or when dirty




Hand wash crochet blankets and clothes

Step1: Cleaning

Before you start cleaning, be sure to remove any loose dirt or debris from your crochet blanket. Shake it gently or use a lint roller to pick up loose fibers. Pinning any loose ends or repairing minor damage will prevent further unraveling during the wash cycle.

For delicate crochet blankets, it's best to hand wash them in a basin or sink.


Step 2: Combine two teaspoons of gentle detergent with the water


Mix 2 teaspoons of mild detergent along with a bit of fabric softener. You can blend these ingredients in the container using your hands or a larger tool to expedite the dissolving process.


Step3. Soak

Use warm water and a mild detergent designed for delicate fabrics. Stir the water gently and let the blanket soak for about 10-15 minutes.


Step 4: Rinse and dry:

Rinse the crochet blanket thoroughly in cold water until soap residue is completely gone. Avoid twisting or twisting the blanket as this will distort the shape of the blanket. Instead, gently press the water out. While it's drying, lay the blanket flat on a clean towel and reshape it if necessary. Keep out of direct sunlight or heat to prevent fading or damage.



How to Machine Wash a Crochet Blanket

If the yarn used to make your crochet blanket is machine washable, here are some tips:


Gentle Cleansing:

For machine washable crochet blankets, wash in cold water on gentle cycle or hand wash. Place the blanket in a pillowcase or laundry bag to prevent snagging. Avoid using harsh detergents or fabric softeners as they can damage delicate fibers.


How to avoid damage to your blanket:

  • To avoid damage to the blanket, please note the following:
  • 1. Try to avoid prolonged washing as this may affect the fiber structure of the blanket.
  • 2. Please set the washing machine to the most delicate mode to reduce the mechanical stress on the blanket.
  • 3. Please only use cold water and low rotation speed (between 600 and 800 rpm) to prevent high temperature and high speed from damaging the fiber structure of the blanket.
  • 4. If you are laundering the blanket, be sure to wash it separately or with delicate items of similar color to prevent staining. Do not overload the washing machine to avoid uneven distribution of mechanical pressure.
  • 5. Please use only a quarter cup of dry or liquid laundry detergent, as too much laundry detergent may not flow out of the blanket and instead remain in the fibers.
  • 6. If you have blankets that need to be washed, use laundry bags, these help protect blankets and other delicate items from damage in the washing machine.


How to properly dry a crochet blanket after washing

After washing your blanket, drying it properly is crucial because the fibers need to dry properly.

With all of this information in mind, here are the aftercare instructions for cleaning your crochet blanket:


Lay the crochet blanket flat to dry

Transfer the crocheted blanket to a dry bath towel on a flat surface large enough to accommodate the dimensions. A table is perfect, but be sure to protect any wooden surfaces by placing a plastic or vinyl tablecloth under the towels.


For larger items like blankets, you can also line the bed or floor with heavy plastic to protect the surface, then lay dry towels over the plastic.


To start the drying process, flatten the blanket and try to mold it into its original shape. You may need to change the towels after a few hours as they become damp.


Turn the blanket over after a few hours. Remember, if your crochet blanket is machine washable, you can also tumble dry it in an automatic dryer on low.



Machine drying:

Please note that not all yarns are suitable for machine drying. If the yarn you are using allows machine drying (check the yarn's label), you can continue to use the dryer. The yarn label will indicate the level of heat the yarn can withstand, so make sure you know the correct temperature for the yarn you are using.


When choosing a dryer, it's best to use lower heat regardless of temperature. This is because excessively high temperatures can cause irreversible damage to your blanket. So even if your yarn allows machine drying, always use caution.


Also, be aware that using a tumble dryer can cause serious damage to your blanket. This can cause the ends of the blanket to unravel, thin sections of yarn to break, and the shape to become distorted. Therefore, even if the yarn is allowed to dry in the machine, be sure to use the dryer with caution.



Reshape your crochet blanket once dry

When the blanket is completely dry, adjust the blanket until it returns to its original shape. However, avoid pulling or tugging when trying to reshape it. Doing so is likely to tear the threads, pull out the ends of the braid, or break the tie.


When drying your crochet blanket, lay it out on a flat surface, such as a tabletop, but be sure to place a plastic or vinyl tablecloth under the towel to protect the wooden surface.


For larger items, you may also choose to line the bed or floor with heavy-duty plastic and cover with dry towels. When starting the drying process, the blanket should be flattened and try to keep its original shape.


After a few hours, the towels may need to be replaced as they will become wet. After the blanket has dried for a few hours, it should be turned over.


Note that if your crochet blanket is machine washable, you can also choose to tumble dry it in an automatic dryer on low. When the blanket is completely dry, it should be reshaped until it returns to its original shape.


However, when trying to reshape, avoid pulling or tugging hard enough to avoid tearing the threads, pulling out the ends of the braid, or breaking the tie.



Storage and maintenance:

After your crochet blanket is clean and dry, store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture. Check your blanket regularly for any signs of wear or damage and make any necessary repairs promptly to extend its life.


in conclusion:

Caring for your crochet blanket is crucial to ensuring it remains a treasured item for years to come. By following these washing and care tips, you can maintain the beauty and functionality of your handmade masterpiece. Remember, a little extra care goes a long way in keeping your crochet creations in pristine condition.